The multimodal research database implemented in the Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) Service of the Virgen Macarena University Hospital in Seville includes three main modules: i) a registration module, where the information is recorded, pseudo-anonymized, and followed up; ii) a data analysis module, where different subsets of patients can be selected and subjected to different analytical and statistical tools, and iii) a mobile app that allows communication with the patient who can complete questionnaires remotely
This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Digital Transformation under the project AI4HA: IA for the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases with high prevalence in aging from the call Misiones I+D in Artificial Intelligence 2021 (MIA.2021.M02.000).
This research database has the following OID (2.16.724.
Regulation for accessing healthcare data for research in the Andalusian Health Service (Link)