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MISIONES: Multimodal database for the collection of interdisciplinary audiological research data


The multimodal research database implemented in the Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) Service of the Virgen Macarena University Hospital  in Seville includes three main modules: i) a registration module, where the information is recorded, pseudo-anonymized, and followed up; ii) a data analysis module, where different subsets of patients can be selected and subjected to different analytical and statistical tools, and iii) a mobile app that allows communication with the patient who can complete questionnaires remotely

This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Digital Transformation under the project AI4HA: IA for the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases with high prevalence in aging from the call Misiones I+D in Artificial Intelligence 2021 (MIA.2021.M02.000).

This research database has the following OID (2.16.724.

Regulation for accessing healthcare data for research in the Andalusian Health Service (Link)

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